Vedic Curative Diet
Menopause Natural & Biological process.
During menopause, hormonal changes play havoc on your body. Symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes, anxiety, and sleep disruption may drain your energy levels and also affect you emotionally.
The treatments available to treat symptoms of menopause are Hormone Therapy, Lifestyle changes like change in Diet, Do Exercise.
A healthy diet and lifestyle will pave the way for an easier transition to menopause, as well as ease the complications during menopause.
Aahara has a prime role in maintaining health and also in treating various disorders.
Health and disease originate from diet.
Diet is the first line of defence against diseases in Ayurveda, not the medicine.
Diet, if properly modified, not only provides nutrition but also protects from several ailments.
According to Acharya Kashyap, Aahara is considered as the Mahabhaishajya i.e. the great medicine.
Ayurveda cares about the health through foods and supplements also.
How come we make the Food as medicine
To eat less as medicine or
“Focus on Prevention” through food
Our Moto is
“Let Food be Your First Medicine and Kitchen be Your First Pharmacy”
Become healthy – first Know your Body & Know your Food
Ayurveda believe Knowing the Food is better that knowing your body’,
We believe that Knowing your Food is knowing your kitchen’.
Kitchen is the greatest pharmacy; the greatest chemical researches are done here.
Ayurveda is based upon the understanding that each person is an individual with unique nutritional needs and as per Ayurveda nothing is right for everyone and everything is right for someone.
Each of us is biochemically different with different hormonal, enzyme, and neurotransmitter levels. Diet supports the body constantly just like the house (is supported) by the pillars.
According to Ayurveda, our body is governed by three body humours or doshas, which determine our physiology, behaviour and risk to diseases.
In Ayurveda it is called PRAKRITI
It mainly emphasizes on an individual diet plan chosen according to the three primary body types.
By eating foods according to our body type, we can balance our energy better and accumulate less waste. Ayurveda’s approach to diet makes one a balanced, healthy and happy person.
You are what you eat
With a proper diet and lifestyle, Ayurveda’s goal is to help each person reach their maximum potential, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Ayurvedic Approach on Prevention and Health promotion
Nutrition plays a central role in Ayurvedic living.
Ayurveda places special emphasis on "Ahara" (diet) and "Anna" (food) as a means to good life, health and wellness. Healthy and wholesome food nourishes the mind, body and soul.
Ayuveda asserts that although the digestive capacity of each person may be different, the quality and appropriate quantity of food are necessary for a healthy life
By evaluating how a person’s digestive system, nervous system and other systems of the body function and by evaluating a person’s body structure, a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist designs a diet specific to clients needs.
Ayurved consider these points about food
Prakriti of Person – A Guide to Personalize Diets
Incompatible Foods (Viruddha Ahara) and Processes
Wholesome and Unwholesome Food (Pathya and Apathya)
- पथ्य (Wholesome) - दोषप्रशमन
- अपथ्य (Unwholesome)–दोषप्रकोप
- पथ्यंरोगिणांहितकरं|अपथ्यंअशुभकरंद्वयो: समाहार:
Aahar is life of living being. It gives hanppiness, voice, life, satistaction, power, intelligence. All work which a person does to run his life like agriculture, business has aahar as its base. Aahar is base of life.
In Ayurvedathe positive health means metabolically well-balanced human beings. Ayurveda is also called the science of longevity because it offers a complete system to live a long healthy life.
अन्नं वृतिकराणां श्रेष्ठम Food (Anna) – Sustenance of life (Vrittikara)
Food plays a major role in Ayurveda treatment by supporting the body’s healing processes.
If Diet Is Balanced No Need of Medicine, If Diet Is Imbalanced No Use of Medicine
Incorporating dairy products, healthy fats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, foods high in phytoestrogens and quality sources of protein into your diet may help relieve some menopause symptoms
Phytoestrogens plant foods
Hormonal balance is important for health. Estrogen is the primary female hormone produced in the body, and it’s responsible for many different functions.
- Regulates nervous system functions, maintains body temperature, and enhances the effects of endorphins (feel-good chemicals).
- Improves skin quality and prevents aging (collagen levels).
- Preserves the strength of bones and prevents bone loss.
- Regulates the production of cholesterol in the liver.
- Increases vaginal acidity and reduces the risk of bacterial infections.
- Controls hair growth and prevents hair loss/thinnigThere are foods that are rich in phytoestrogen, which is similar to the estrogen produced in the body.
Phytoestrogens rich fruits (plum, pear, apple grape berries…), vegetables (beans, sprouts, cabbage, spinaches, soybeans, grains, hops, garlic, onion, …), green tea etc.
Dairy Products
The decline in estrogen levels during menopause can increase women’s risk of fractures.
Dairy products, such as milk, yogurt and cheese, contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and vitamins D and K — all of which are essential for bone health foods high in the amino acid glycine — found in milk and cheese.
For example — promoted deeper sleep in menopausal women some dairy products rich in probiotics, provide a nice gut health boost for better digestion, immunity, and skin
Healthy fats, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, improved mood and brain function. it can also help keep blood pressure levels low Omega-3 fatty acids play several important roles in your body. They have anti-inflammatory effects and are an essential component of your brain and eyes.
Walnuts could help improve brain health as a result of their omega-3 content. walnuts also improve in memory, learning, motor development, and anxiety
Flaxseed is a nutritional powerhouse, providing a good amount of fiber, protein, magnesium, and manganese It’s also an excellent source of omega-3s.
- flaxseeds also regulate estrogen levels in the body
- flaxseeds are known to help with symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes, and mood swings
Chia seeds are an excellent plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids. They are also high in fiber and protein.
Hemp seeds are also rich in protein, magnesium, iron, zinc
Whole grains are high in nutrients, minerals, including fiber and B vitamins, such as thiamine, niacin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid whole grains have a wealth of nutrients, B vitamins are important for the nervous system and mood, and fiber helps keep you regular.
- They are very effective in regulating energy levels and improving the body’s metabolism.
- They are known to reduce cholesterol levels in your body.
- Soy contains phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens (phyto+estrogens) reduce symptoms of menopause and improve bone health.
Protein -Ensure you eat enough protein rich foods which contain the amino acid tryptophan. You can find it in cottage cheese, oats and legumes. Tryptophan helps manufacture the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin helps mood and may also support sleep and appetite which can make you feel better in yourself.
Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Cruciferous vegetables may be especially helpful for postmenopausal women
Dark green leafy greens are rich in calcium, which are needed to maintain strong bones and prevent osteoporosis common during menopause.
Berries are known to improve brain health and also help in managing stress in menopausal women.
Water It’s really important to stay hydrated during menopause. Not only will it help keep your weight in check, it will also help your body flush out toxins and absorb nutrients
उदकम आश्वासकराणां श्रेष्ठम Water (Udaka) – Production of soothing effect/refreshing agent (Ashwaskara)
Eight aspects of Dieteties
- Prakriti – Food Qualitative Characteristics
- Samyoga –Mixing/ combination of Food
- Desha – Habitat of the person & Food
- Upayokta – The person who takes the Food
- Karana – Processing of Food
- Rashi – The Quantity of Food
- Kala – Time of taking Food
- Upayogasansta – The Dietetic Rules