Nasya is gateway to head-neck and brain according to Ayurveda and is used in major psychological conditions and stress for the better relief.
Nasya therapy is an Ayurvedic process that can help clean the upper respiratory passage by draining out the excessive mucus. This treatment aims to lubricate sensitive nasal tissues with oil and other mediums.
The term “Nasya” refers to the nose and the treatment involves the use of medicated oils, ghee, powders, juices of raw herbs
The upper respiratory tract in the human body, helps maintain a good overall health. The quality of air that we breathe largely determines the overall health. To inhale fresh air, it’s crucial to maintain the health of our respiratory system which includes the nostrils, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, throat, pharynx and the larynx. All these organs help us inhale oxygen into the body, help reduce the weight of the skull, add humidity to the inhaled air, and also resonate our voice.
The oil usedfor Nasya is decided by the physician based on the body constitution, the present state of doshas, and the prevailing phase of pathology.

One who practises nasay therapy in time according to the prescribed method, his eyes, nose and ears are not affected (by any morbidity ). His hair and bears never become white or grey; he never experiences hair fall.
The drugs given in the form of Ghrita or Taila, a form of lipid, is likely to be rapidly absorbed and distributed in the target areas of the body such as the nervous system. The molecular structure of the blood brain barrier ,i. e. the membrane separating the CNS tissue and the circulating blood is lipophilic in nature Ghrita, having Rasayan, Balya, Medhya, IndriyaTarpakaetc. properties. When administered through nasal route, it reaches the Shirah (which is a pradhanaindriya) and acts mainly on TarpakaKapha, Prana Vayu and ManovahaSrotas. It gives benefits like Mental ability, Will power, Intellect, Strength, Immunity, Longevity, Vitality, Lustre, Youthfulness, Vigor-competence etc., which will be helpful to extinguish the symptoms of Rajonivritti -Menopausemainly in psychological background.
Benefits of Nasya