Abhyangam Relexing Therapy
Abhyanga therapy provides physical and psychological relaxation.
Abhyanga is a kind of Ayurveda massage, which is completely different from normal body massage. It has a tremendous benefit to the body, mind, skin and immune system.
The word ‘abhyanga’ is composed of two Sanskrit words, Abhi and Anga. Abhi means ‘towards’ and anga, means ‘movement’. It is the secret to beautiful glowing skin and effectively slow-down all your skin’s aging process.
The Sanskrit word Sneha means both “oil” and “love,” and the effects of Abhyanga are similar to the effect of saturation with love. Both experiences can give a deep feeling of stability, warmth and comfort. Ancient Ayurvedic texts recommends this massage as a daily routine for conditioning and revitalizing the body.
According to Charka acharya- Vayu dominates in the tactile sensory organ and this sensory organ is lodged in the skin. The massage is exceedingly beneficial to the skin. So one should practise regularly.
Abhyanga is an Ayurvedic Treatment for intensely relaxing and refreshing full body massage using special Ayurvedic oils in 7 different postures.
The drugs with which these oils are boiled permeate through the skin and reach different tissue elements of the body. These oils, will treat the whole body, physically and mentally, strengthening the nervous system and nourishing the body from inside.
The body is compared to tree. If the roots of trees are given water regularly, then it lives for long time. In the same way by abhyanga the person dhatu becomes healthy said by Acharya Sushruta.
Abhyanga or Ayurvedic oil massage is very helpful in preventing Menopausal problems. It provides physical and psychological relaxation and helps in improving the quality of sleep, mood swings. It is helpful in reducing hot flashes, irritability and joint pain.
According to Ayurveda Abhyaga is Varnaprada (improves the body complexion), Twakdardyakara (helps to maintain the elasticity of skin), Mrijaprada (cleanses dirt), Vyadhikshamatwa (restore the natural immunity), Vatahara (alleviates Vata dosh), Kaphahara (alleviates Kaphadosha), Dhatupushtijanana (promotes the excellence of body tissues), Pushtikara (recuperates and nourishes the body tissues), Ayushkara (by nourishing the body tissues Abhyanga prolongs one’s lifespan).
When it done in specific direction, improves blood circulation, facilitates removal of the toxins from the tissues, relieves physical and mental fatigue, improves the functioning of musculoskeletal system, clears stiffness and heaviness of the body and leads to feeling of lightness. It assists development of healthy body, helps in improvement of body figure, recuperates the body tissues and reduces body weight as well as fat.
Benefits of Abhyaga
- Reduce stress
- Increase Blood Circulation
- Stimulates Nervous System
- Improve Metabolism
- Reduces Anxiety, Stress and Fatigue
- Increase Physical Strength
- Delay age-related changes
- The touch therapy of Abhyanga induces Hormones to balanced