Consultation (Pariksha)

Ayurveda can treat the Entire Person, not just the illness.

Ayurveda is a highly holistic science that is focussed on the individual nature and helps you attain a balance of mind and body for optimum well-being.

भिषजाप्राक्परीक्ष्यैवंविकाराणांस्वलक्षणम्| पश्चात्कर्मसमारम्भःकार्यःसाध्येषुधीमता||२१||

A wise physician should examine the distinctive features of the diseases first and then start his treatment of the diseases. In Ayurveda, Prakriti means every individual’s unique constitution and identity. The Ayurvedic concept of Prakriti (constitution) is helpful in maintaining health, understanding disease and its management.

Prakriti Pariksha is one of important and unique specialties and essential tools. This not only helps to understand the mental and physical nature of a person in health but also to know the susceptibility to diseases, which assists in promotion of health, prevention and cure of diseases.

Ayurveda provides personalized healthcare plans because there is no concept of one-size-fits-all solutions. Unique protocols are designed based on health history, physical, psychological, physiological and genetic make-up.

An Ayurvedic assessment is undertaken to determine the Ayurvedic Constitution (Prakriti) and imbalances (Vikriti) of the patients. This knowledge empowers wellness seekers in turn to attain better health with long term shifts in their lifestyle.

Individual consultation, which help for Prakriti Pariksha, is an important step in the treatment like diet, exercise, meditation, daily regimes, medicines and other treatments as needed.


The physician, who possesses knowledge of etiology, symptomatology, therapeutics and prevention of diseases, is the best among physicians.

It is very essential that before planning any treatment protocol one should have complete knowledge of Roga (Disease) and Rogibala (diseased).

Rog and Rogi Pariksha is one of the process with the help of which we come to the certain conclusion about the nature and localisation of lesion and cause of suffering of a person

Word Pariksha is derived from the root Iksha means to view, to observe, to consider, with the preposition Pari fixed before the root which means from all sides. Thus, Pariksha means observation from all direction.

Pariksha helps to arrive at proper diagnosis by understanding the condition of the patient.

तस्यचतुर्विधापरीक्षा- आप्तोपदेशः, प्रत्यक्षम्, अनुमानं, युक्तिश्चेति||१७||

There are four methods of examination- scriptures or texts (words of persons with superior intellect, or sages), direct perception (direct observance), inference and reasoning.

Prashnapariksha means question. Interrogation with the patient is most important in clinical practise. It is always favourable to allow the patient to relate the entire history of the aliment in his own words.

When a physician who even if well versed in the knowledge of the disease and its treatment does not try to enter into the heart of the patient by virtue the light of his knowledge, he will not be able to treat the disease.

Our menopause consultations are designed to provide you with the help and support you need to take control of your menopause and thrive. Over a video or phone consultation, we’ll listen to your story and help you understand your symptoms and the solutions available. Our aim is to provide you advice, holistic solution and support that work best for you.

We’ll then work with you to create a personalised holistic menopause treatment plan that will help you on your journey to feeling yourself again. which is always based on your individual needs and symptoms.

A consultation is the first step towards banishing hot flushes, relieving anxiety, or finding ways to take control of the symptoms you are experiencing.

We have the Time, Knowledge, Experience, and Expertise to guide you through your symptoms and to help you to decide on the best management approach for you.

Let us join together to dispel the discouraging negative connotations of menopause in our society and support a more empowering story.

Consultation with Vaidya Dipa Mehta usually lasts for 30 minutes. Consultations are possible face to face, through online platformor through telephone. Consultation fee is 1000 rupees. Usually follow up consultations are advised after 1 month.

You can book a consultation or appointment with us by clicking here.

Simply choose your preferred date and time from the options available and enter your details. You will be sent an email confirming your appointment when we receive your payment.

If you have further questions, please visit our FAQs for more information.

Vaidya Dipa Mehta will conduct a thorough examination of your health, with a special emphasis on your diet, lifestyle and geographic condition. The consultation will be done in according to the Ayurvedic principles of Prashna (questions) and Darshan (observation) chikitsha. Based on these examination, the doctor may prescribe medicines along with diet and lifestyle customized for you.

Minimum 8 days and maximum 10 days

If you have received incomplete or damaged medicines, you can always reach out to us by email or phone call.


Dr. Dipa Mehta

M.D. (Ayurveda)