Our Motive

A Young Woman is a Gift of Nature but an Old Woman is a Work of Art

Transition in Women’s Life

• Menarche
• Pregnancy
• Menopause

We believe that understanding the mind and body as one entity is crucial. The mind is our most powerful tool, however, when faulty thought processes take control, it can manifest in a variety of physical health conditions. Our philosophy behind integrating both physical and mental services is to provide patients with the opportunity to develop a strong mind-body connection.

Both body and mind are the locations of disorder as well as pleasures. The balancedis the causeof pleasure. We wholeheartedly believe that people have the right to be happy and feel good. Our goal is to help our patients reach their full potential and reach a greater level of overall life satisfaction. We strive to make a positive difference with every single treatment, helping our patients work their way through optimization, recovery, and maintenance of both body and mind.

Ideal Attitude of Physician towards Patients



Friendliness, compassion towards the diseased, attachment to the remediable and indifference to those who are moving towards the illness.

Our goal to facilitate both Mind and Body healing is personally driven.

Our expedition is to assist individuals on their journey to growth, re-development, well-being, and overall life satisfaction.

Our life experiences directly fuels our passion for ensuring that our patients receive the best service possible.

Quality of Good Physician

  • Shrute Paryavadatatvam (Good Listener, Clear Understanding and Knowledge of Science)
  • Bahusha Drishtakarmata (Maximum Practical Experience)
  • Dakshya (Dexterity, Alertness and Devotion towards Duties)
  • Shaucham (Purity of Body and Mind, Hygiene)

Dr.Dipa Mehta

M.D. (Ayurveda)