Morden Menopause

Menopause Types, Causes and Treatment

    • In present era women are also building a nation by means of house hold work, jobs and business practice as well they are major part of economy. They are backbone of family. If a lady gets disturbed then whole family become under pressure.

    • The phase of ‘Menarche’ and ‘Menopause’ have important influences on the physical, psychological, social, and emotional aspects of a woman.

    • Menopause is physiological condition ageing of Women. The menopause is a natural phenomenon and one of the life’s important milestones. Every woman faces this "change of life" as a part of hormonal derangement.

    • The word ‘Menopause’ comes from the greek word ‘Menos’(month) & ‘Pausis’(cessation). Menopause means permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian follicular activity

Peri Menopause
is the stage from the beginning of menopausal symptoms to the post menopause. Can start anytime from around the age of 35 as your progesterone levels start to drop and your oestrogen levels follow suit.

Just one day long, menopause is the day of your final period.

Post Menopause
is the time following the last period and is usually defined as more than 12 months with no periods. Your symptoms should be less frequent.

Cause of Menopause- Menopause is a natural process that occurs as the ovaries age and produce lessreproductive hormones. The body begins to undergo several changes in response to lower levels of:

  • estrogen
  • progesterone
  • testosterone
  • follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
  • luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • In some cases menopause is induced, or caused by injury or surgical removal of the ovaries and related pelvic structures



The menopause is a natural event and for many women there is no need to ‘manage’ it at all, although awareness of the long-term implications, such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, should be part of good preventative medicine.

Counselling :
It is very important to maintain her physical and mental status. She should be educated about proper diet.

HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) – oestrogen replacement therapy is not much useful but having many side effects

Menopausal Symptoms

  • Less Frequent, Heavier or Lighter Periods
  • Hot Flashes, Night Sweats
  • Flushing, Vaginal Dryness
  • Insomnia, Depression
  • Anxiety, Palpitation
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Mood Swing, Memory Problems
  • Hair Loss, Weight Gain, Joint Pain

Dr.Dipa Mehta

M.D. (Ayurveda)