How To Make Menopause Easy ?
The Path to a Graceful Menopause
Every stage in a woman’s life is special, right from the moment she is born, to entering adolescence, displaying a vibrant youth, celebrating motherhood and yes, even the advanced mid-life periods and old age.
Menopause is the natural cessation of a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle. Ayurveda views menopause not as a disease but as a transition period. It is a very important time in a woman’s life where she has an opportunity to prioritise care for her health and wellbeing in all aspects – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Sexually, and Spiritually.
Menopause is the Transition From The Pitta Phase of Life to the Vata Phase, if a woman already has a significant Pitta or Vata imbalance in the years before menopause, things are likely to get worse during menopause, which is a period when hormonal and other natural changes take place in the body.
The accumulation of Ama (digestive impurities) in the physiology. Ama blocks the channels that transport nutrition to the cells and remove waste from the body, and thus contributes to menopausal problems. The misuse or overuse of the mind, body, emotions, or senses. Basically, this happens when a woman strains her mind too much, is under too much ongoing stress or pressure, is doing work that is too ‘heavy’ for her body, or is under tremendous emotional stress.
Happily, in the ayurvedic tradition, menopause is totally manageable. The main goal of Ayurvedic treatment is to establish the balance of Vata and Pitta Doshas, improve the digestive fire (Agni) and eradicate toxins (Ama) from the body.
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian Practice of Medicine, offers some wonderful solutions to alleviate the distress experienced by women entering this stage in life.
Ayurveda encourages you to enjoy the journey—and to trust the inner intelligence and clarity that is available throughout menopause.
The greatest thing you can offer to your self, your family, and your community is the knowledge that shines through as a result of caring deeply for your body, mind, and heart.
A holistic approach not only eases many of the challenges that many who go through menopause face, but also empowers us to live with more joy and fulfilment.
If symptoms are mild and managed with life style changes like regular body massage, exercise for stress and body ache treatment is not required but in severe symptoms treatment is required.
Some simple way to Make Menopause Easy
Family support
Much care should be taken towards women. Especially by husband, children and in laws should take special care towards her health and mind. Due to hormonal imbalance, enough care should be taken not to hurt her.
Active life style & Hobbies
The women should wisely engage herself in one or other activity like reading books, social service, interaction with family and friends, listing to music, visit to religious centres, mind games, knitting, weaving, designing etc which helpful for physical and mental health.
Exercise & Pranayama regularly
Exercise improved physical and mental health and overall quality of life. Regular exercise improved energy and metabolism, healthier joints and bones, decreased stress, and better sleep. It is also associated with better overall health and protection against diseases and conditions including cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis. Pranayama improve mental balance. Women will be better equipped to handle mood swings and stress.
Oil massage
Regular oil massage with medicated oil is really helpful for headache, body ache, sleeping problems, joint pain, arthritis, give strength to bones. Oil massage every day is the best option if not possible then ones or twice in a week will help more.
Recommended Diet :
Diet rich in Phytoestrogens - Phytoestrogens, also known as dietary estrogen, are naturally occurring plant compounds that may function similarly to the estrogen the human body produces.
Foods rich in Phytoestrogens include Soybeans, Soy Products, Tofu, Flaxseeds, Dry Fruitslike apricots, dates, and prunes, Garlic, Peaches, Strawberries, Cranberries, and Raspberries, Wheat bran, Linseeds, Sesame Seeds, Beans, Broccoli, Cabbage
Diet rich in Calcium – Calcium is a mineral that makes bone stay strong. Small amount of calcium consistently remove from our bone so we need to top up calcium level on a daily basis.
Food rich in Calcium are Dairy Products like Milk, Curd, Buttermilk, Cheese, Paneer, Leafy Vegetables like Spinach, Amaranths, Fenugreek, Cabbage, Lady Finger And Broccoli, Almond, Sesame Seeds, Beans, Flax Seeds, Ragi, Pulses, Peanuts, Rajma etc.
Diet rich in Iron–Iron is an important nutrient for our body. It helps our cells breathe. Iron is essential in the chemical reaction that produce energy from food. It is a component of enzymes and is responsible for various cell processes.
Food rich in Iron are Garden Cress Seeds, Turmeric, Cauliflowers Leaves, Cow Pea Leaves, Sesame Seeds, Bajara, Poha, Dates, Poppy Seeds, Jaggery, Peanuts, Dry Fruits, Mint Leaves, Ragi, Water Melons, Sunflower Seeds etc
Diet rich in Vitamin D– It is responsible for the proper absorption of calcium in our bodies to keep our bones healthy. It Promotes Healthy Teeth and Bones, Good for Overall Immunity of the Body and Nervous System, Helps to Support Lungs and Cardiovascular Health, Prevents the Development of Cancer Cells
Food rich in Vit. D – Sunlight, Dairy Products, Orange, Banana, Cereals, Almond etc
A verity of Fruits and Vegetables - Fruits and veggies are low in calories and can help you feel full, so they’re great for weight loss and weight maintenance.
Eat Protein-Rich Foods - In addition to helping prevent muscle loss, high protein diets can help with weight loss because they enhance fullness and increase the number of calories burned. Foods rich in protein include green peas, quinoa, soya milk, chia seeds, sweet corn, legumes, nuts, dairy products etc.
Cow ghee - It promotes memory and concentration. Cow ghee is a rich source of vitamin A, D, E & K that is important in ensuring normal cellular function and growth in humans. It also contains a wide range of antioxidants that prevents free radical damage in our bodies, which is a major cause of cardiac ailments and specific types of cancer. It improve digestion, boots immunity, improve bone health and nourish skin.
Avoid Trigger Foods
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and foods that are sugary or spicy. Avoid excess amount of salt, fried foods, oil. Reduce refined sugar and processed foods.
Drink enough Water
During menopause, dryness is often an issue. This is likely caused by the decrease in estrogen levels.Drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water a day can help with these symptoms. Drinking water can also reduce the bloating that can occur with hormonal changes.In addition, water can help prevent weight gain and aid in weight loss by helping you feel full and increasing metabolism slightly.
Reduce Refined Sugar and Processed Foods - A diet high in refined carbs and sugar can cause sharp rises and dips in blood sugar, making you feel tired and irritable. This may worsen the physical and mental symptoms of menopause. Diets high in refined carbs may increase the risk of depression in postmenopausal women. Diets high in processed foods may also affect bone health, especially if these foods are replacing the nutrients you need from a daily balanced diet.
Don’t Skip Meals
Eating regular meals may be important when you’re going through menopause. Irregular eating may make certain symptoms of menopause worse and make weight management more difficult.
- Family Support
- Exercise & Pranayam
- Oil massage
- Recommended Diet
- Avoid Trigger Foods
- Drink enough Water
- Eat Protein-Rich Foods
- Don’t Skip Meals