How I Work ?

Journey Towards Well-being

विकारोधातुवैषम्यं, साम्यंप्रकृतिरुच्यते|सुखसञ्ज्ञकमारोग्यं, विकारोदुःखमेवच||||

Disequilibrium of Dhatus is disease and their equilibrium is health. Health is termed as happiness, while disorder as unhappiness.

  • Uncover your true state of health according toAyurvedic principles during a 30-minute session
  • Understand your unique Ayurvedic constitutional Prakriti
  • Address the root cause of illness and various imbalances of body and mind
  • Personalized recommendations for food, lifestyle, and specific diets.
  • According to the intensity of imbalance and severity of symptoms, we will give you Personalized Holistic Treatment Plan.


In Ayurveda the Physician is most important because of his Specific Knowledge, Administrative Capacity and Managerial Skills.

The Physician who uses both Scientific Knowledge and Own Intellect Property, does not commit mistakes during treatment.

Our Work Area in Menopause

Counselling - Positive attitude, Family involvement, Spiritual Attitude, Emotion stability

Right Diet- Nutrition

Exercise - Physical Activity, Targeted Exercise, Stress reducing strategies, Sleep

Medication - Meditation, Massage



  • Counselling
  • Holistic Ayurvedic Medication
  • Lifestyle Changes
  • Yoga Solution
  • Vedic Curative Diet Plan
  • Beneficial Shirodhara
  • Therapeutic Nasya
  • Relaxing Abhyanga.

Dr.Dipa Mehta

M.D. (Ayurveda)